Are you looking for information about schools that provide physiotherapy program? The information below is a list of accredited schools of physical therapy in Arizona State. It includes their phone, addresses, telephone, email, and physical therapy programs that they offer. The list below is in alphabetical order, and it does not mean level order. A contact or link to their website if it is possible.
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Franklin Pierce University |
Here is Accredited Physical Therapy Schools List in Arizona State
1. Name: AT University of Health Sciences
Address: 5850 E Still Circle, Mesa, Arizona 85206-3618
Telephone: (480) 219-00
License available: Doctor of Physical therapy, physiotherapy transition Doctor (tDPT)
2. Name: University of Franklin Piece
Address: 140 North Litchfield Road, Goodyear, Arizona 85338
Telephone: (603) 899-4000
Licenses Offers: Doctor of Physiotherapy
3. Name: University of Northern Arizona
Address: Street of South San Francisco, Flagstaff, AZ 86011
Telephone: (928) 523-4092
Licenses Offers: Doctor of Physiotherapy
This information about Arizona physical therapy schools does not mean our endorsement. It is just provided for information purposes. We encourage you to check with your local American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) for current Arizona accredited physical therapy schools in
If you know a school that is not listed or if you want to update the information in your database, please email us at so we can update the information in our database too. Thank you very much!
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