If you find an information about physical therapy schools in Georgia, you should read this article. Here is a list of accredited schools with its mailing addresses, contact information, and physical therapy program that they provide. Let us check it!
georgia state |
List of Schools of Physical Therapy in Georgia State
Name: University of Armstrong Atlantic State
Address: 11935 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA 31419
Telephone: 912.344.2580
Email: ptdept@armstrong.edu
Program Offered: Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Name: Emory University
Address: 1462 at Clifton Rd NE Suite 312, Atlanta GA 30322
Telephone: (404) 712-5660 (General) / (404) 727-4002 (Admissions)
Email: pt_admissions@learnlink.emory.edu
Licenses Offers: Doctor of physiotherapy
Name: Georgia State University
Address: PO Box 4109, Atlanta, GA 30302-4019
Telephone: (404) 651- 3091
Email: vbthomas@gsu.edu
Degree offered: physiotherapy Doctor (TPD)
Name: Georgia Medical College
Address: 987 at St. Sebastian Way, EC-1304, Augusta, Georgia 30912-0800
Telephone: (706) 721-2141
Email: ptadmissions@mcg.edu
Licenses Offers: Doctor of Physiotherapy
Name: University of North Georgia College and State
Address: 469 Health and Science Building, Dahlonega GA 30597
Telephone: (706) 864-1422
Email: rdtaylor@northgeorgia.edu
Licenses Offers: Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
If you know a school that exists in Georgia, but it is not listed above please contact us at dummymalik01@gmail.com in order to update out information and database. You may check your local American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) for the current school of physiotherapy accredited in Georgia State. You should check www.apta.org for further information.
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