Physical Therapy Advices to Put the Spring Back in Your Step

How to put the spring back in your step? Check this physical therapy advices – Spring is just around the corner, and that means more time outside. However, if you suffer from arthritis, knee pain, pain in your lower back and other pains that prevent you from being active, there are things you can easily do to become more active.

Change How You Sit 
tips to put the spring back to your step
change how you sit
Many pains and aches are related to the way we use our bodies in the day. Many patients with back pain begin actually have back pain because they sit too much. Here are some simple solutions to help you feel better:

  • Get up and move around every 30 minutes even for one or two minutes.
  • You should vary your activities at work. Do not sit for 4 hours at a time, for example. Vary your activities so that you can be sitting, standing, squatting, walking, or other positions. The key is to mix your positions and move throughout the day.
  • You should make sure that you have good posture when working or playing a computer. A good rule of thumb is that the top third of the screen should be at eye level, your shoulders back comfortably and keyboard/ mouse a little lower than the height of your elbow.

Be Active 
Being active does not mean you have to run a mile. Make simple and something that you love, otherwise you will not stick with it. Many types of research show that to improve heart health and conditioning in all, you just need 30 minutes of walking per day. It can dramatically make you healthier and stronger.

  • Start with an easy goal. If you get tired after ten minutes of walking, start with that, then slowly increase your time each day until you reach 20-30 minutes.
  • Take time activity. In today’s busy world, if it is provided, it will not happen. Therefore, to a time when you can go out every day or at least 3-4 days a week.
  • You can do an activity that you like. For some, this is a group class and for others, it is a sport. You can find local events or just get out and walk.

Eat, Drink, Sleep 
Watch your eat!
physical therapist's method to put spring back to step
watch your eat
You are what you eat and do, so if you do not feel well or are in pain, you may feel better fairly quickly by eating just well, drinking enough water and getting enough rest. It is different for everyone, but the bottom line is to get enough vegetables and fruits in your diet, limit consumption of fried or processed foods and sugars layoff. Did you know that a can of soda actually contains about six packets of sugar! It is OK to give you goodies now and again, but make wise choices overall on what you eat.

Get enough rest and relax!
Sleep is the time which your body needs to rebuild after using it all day. Instead of staying up late to watch TV or be on the computer, paste your favorite show and do something different before going to bed. More studies show that working on the electronic devices before going to bed will make you sleep worse.

Drinking enough water.
Your body is about 80% water, and you expel a lot through breathing and go to the bathroom. Be sure to replace the liquid. Doing everything in the functioning of your body is important. Much common pain, such as headaches, are assigned to be chronically dehydrated. You do not have to be thirsty to be dehydrated. When you slurp down soda, it satisfies the thirst, but it can make you lose water in your body.

Get Help if You Are in Pain 
If you suffer from headaches, neck, low back, and joint pain or you are not satisfied with the way you feel; physical therapy can help. Contact your physical therapy to get help. He will analysis and treatment of pain with movement. They do not only relieve pain quickly but improving your strength, movement and the ability to do the activities you enjoy. You also be taught you how to maintain your results and continue to progress towards your goals.

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